Week 4-Stars Package Umrah

Harga sudah termasuk

  • Accommodation in 4stars Makkah, Madinh (03nts) and Jeddah (01nt)
  • Prices include Municipality and VAT
  • Jeddah Airport Pickup and Drop off
  • Transfer from Makkah - Madinah - Jeddah
  • Mazarat in Makkah
  • Mazarat in Madinah
  • Visit historical Jeddah

Harga Tidak Termasuk

  • Flight tickets
  • Anything not written in the offer
  • Breakfast or Any Meals
  • Full Day Local guide with car and transportation for the whole trip
  • Tips and all kinds of personal expenses
  • Room and laundry services

Informasi Tujuan

Accommodation in a 4-star hotel in Makkah (03 Nights), Madinah (03 nights) & Jeddah (01 Night)


Prices for 2 persons per room starting from 15/01/2023 to 15/03/2023

the prices per person per night

Booking confirmation is subject to availability

Prices are subject to change and increase at any time without prior notice and according to room availability, except for confirmed paid reservations

Non-refundable if the reservation is confirmed

In case of booking or adding persons or checking the availability of the package, please contact us by email: talal.fatani@easytravel.com.sa

Detail Pemesanan

  • Wilayah

    Jeddah – Mecca – Madinah – Jeddah
  • harga

    4830 SAR
Pesan sekarang

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